
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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Genoa, October 17th 2015: Opening of the Exhbit Riciclobot

Genoa, October 17th 2015: Opening of the Exhbit Riciclobot

15/10/2015 - Events, News, Projects

The Riciclobot is a project funded by the Genoa Valpolcevera Municipality and by the local Municipal Waste Agency, and run by the School of Robotics. The project developed some laboratories for the students of the Valpolcevera schools in which they built some little figurines shaped as robot, then mechanized with motors. Students' artifacts are now presented in an Exhibit at Casa Ambientale, Valpolcevera. Exhibit opening on 17th of October at 3 pm., and it lasts till October 28th. Read more


Robot@scuola, Creative robotics
Genoa, October 10th 2015: Vernissage of the new MadLab

Genoa, October 10th 2015: Vernissage of the new MadLab

06/10/2015 - Events, Projects

MadLab is going to be the first Fablab opnening in the Genoa old town center. It is managed by the Cooperativa IlLaboratorio, the Genoa Science Festival and the School of Robotics. The MadLab vernissage is scheduled on October 10th 2015 at 3 pm. Visitors could be watching 3D printers at work and apply for MadLab free training courses. Read more


Design, Dissemination, Festival della Scienza, 3D Print, madlab
23 September 2015, Pedagogic University Krakow. International Scientific Conference on Assistive technology to support human development

23 September 2015, Pedagogic University Krakow. International Scientific Conference on Assistive technology to support human development

17/09/2015 - Projects

The Edurob team with the help of the Pedagogic University Krakow have arranged a conference on "Assistive Technology to support Human Development". There will be a number of presentations from the EduRob team and the programme will be enhanced by external presentations from institutions around Europe and beyond. Read more


Autism, European projects, Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Creative robotics, Schools at hospital