
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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The Ascent of Mary Somerville in 19th Century Society, by Elisabetta Strickland

The Ascent of Mary Somerville in 19th Century Society, by Elisabetta Strickland

29/01/2017 - Lectures, Books

This biography traces the life and work of Mary Fairfax Somerville, whose extraordinary mathematical talent only came to light through fortuitous circumstances. Barely taught to read and write as a child, all the science she learned and mastered was self taught. In this delightful narrative the author takes up the challenge of discovering how Somerville came to be one of the most outstanding British women scientists and, furthermore, a popular writer. Particular attention is paid to the gender aspects of Somerville's success in what was, to put it mildly, a predominantly male domain. Read more


Women&Technology, Science&Society
The Yes WE STEM free ebook (Women Empowerment in STEM) released to public

The Yes WE STEM free ebook (Women Empowerment in STEM) released to public

30/06/2016 - Books, Publications

The Italian Wister network (Women for Intelligent and Smart TERritories) has just released a free ebook outlining many "Yes WE STEM" issues in Women&Technology field. The book was edited with the support of Italian Ministry of Education, Research, and University, displaying studies by many women in the fields of communication, social sciences, science and technology. Read more


Women&Technology, Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Science&Society
"Spaghetti robot", the new book by Riccardo Oldani featuring robotics in Italy

"Spaghetti robot", the new book by Riccardo Oldani featuring robotics in Italy

04/02/2015 - Books

As in the well-known "Spaghetti Western", Italian robotics field counts more on its creativity and "arts of managing things" than of public support and national infrastructure. Riccardo Oldani, a scientific columnist who has been following robotics for years, features in his new book all the fields of robotics in Italy, from the stabilized industrial applications to the new futuristic robots. Read more


Robot@scuola, Science&Society
Off the Shelf: "Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics ", Ed. Patrick Lin, Keith Abney, George Bekey

Off the Shelf: "Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Robotics ", Ed. Patrick Lin, Keith Abney, George Bekey

11/01/2012 - Books, News

Robots today serve in many roles, from entertainer to educator to executioner. As robotics technology advances, ethical concerns become more pressing: Should robots be programmed to follow a code of ethics, if this is even possible? Are there risks in forming emotional bonds with robots? How might society--and ethics--change with robotics? With an essay by Gianmarco Veruggio. Read more


Roboethics, Science&Society
Bruno Siciliano interviewed by scientific journalist Pietro Greco in his book, "Galilei' s grandchildren"

Bruno Siciliano interviewed by scientific journalist Pietro Greco in his book, "Galilei' s grandchildren"

15/07/2011 - Books, News

Bruno Siciliano, Professor of Automatica at the University "Federico II", Naples, Italy, and a member of the School of Robotics' Scientific Committee is profiled as one of the seven "grandchildren" of the great Italian scientist Galileo Galilei, in seven different interviews by scientific journalist Pietro Greco. The book is "Galilei's grandchildren" (Baldini Castoldi Dalai). Read more

