
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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Turin, Italy, 4th-5th of November, 2010: Workshop on Educational Robotics

Turin, Italy, 4th-5th of November, 2010: Workshop on Educational Robotics

27/10/2010 - Lectures, News, Projects

In Turin, the 4th and 5th of November, an important two-days Conference on Educational Robotics in Technical and Vocational Schools. It is organized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Regional Department of Piedmont. In this frame, some regional institutions are going to sign an Agreement Protocol promoting the development of Educational robotics in schools. Project leader is Technical School "IPSIA GALILEI", in Turin. Read more


Roberta va a Piacenza

Roberta va a Piacenza

21/11/2008 - Projects, Courses for Teachers

Grazie al finanziamento presso il ministero delle pari opportunità nell'ambito dei progetti FORMEZ numerosi docenti e alunni potranno seguire un corso lungo Roberta e la scuola fornirsi di 7 kit per la costruzione dei robot. Sia la formazione dei docenti che la formazione del primo anno degli alunni verrà curata dagli esperti di Scuola di Robotica. Scarica il programma della prima giornata del progetto Read more


Atélier on Roboethics.

Atélier on Roboethics.

27/02/2007 - Projects

27 February 2006 Towards the Roadmap of Roboethics Ronald Arkin, Paolo Dario, Paolo Fiorini, Naho Kitano, Giuseppe Longo, Brian O'Connell, Paolo Rossi Monti, Bruno Siciliano, Jim Siegelmann, Atsuo Takanishi, Gianmarco Veruggio, Kevin Warwick. In Palazzo Doria Spinola (Province of Genoa) was held a public conference of opening Atelier on Roboethics works. Further info on: Read more


EURON, Roboethics