
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

The Scientific Committee

Riccardo Bono

Scientist at CNR. He received the "Laurea" degree in Electronic Engineering in 1980 and in 1984 he joined the CNR-IAN. From 1984 to 1986 he operated in the field of Computer Generated Imagery applied to a project for ship handling simulator. From 1986 to 1988 he was involved in the acquisition and processing of maritime traffic data applied to VTS and RVTS projects, during COST 301 trials. In 1989 he participated to the establishment of Robotlab, working on the field of architectures for control of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles. He has been Task Leader in the EC MAST Projects AMADEUS 1 & 2 and in ARAMIS Project. He participated to the 13th, 17th, 18th and 19th Italian Expeditions to Antarctica and to the first underwater robotics campaign in Arctic during 2002 as system responsible for the Romeo ROV. In 2000 he participated to the foundation of the association “Scuola di Robotica” in 2000.

Roberto Cordeschi

Professor of Philosophy of Science at the Faculty of Philosophy of “La Sapienza” University of Rome. He has been first associate professor and then full professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Salerno. His main research areas are the history of Cybernetics and the epistemological issues of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. He has taken a particular interest in the problems of Cognitive Science and scientific method, such as cognitive simulation and the relation between computational theories and models.

Paolo Fiorini

Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Verona, Italy. Until 2000, scientist at NASA-JPL, Pasadena (CA-USA). 2001, he founded the ALTAIR Laboratory (University of Verona, Italy): autonomous robots andf teleoperation. Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (1994): Robot Motion Planning among Moving Obstacles. Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Irvine (1982).

Luciano Floridi

Research Chair in Philosophy of Information, Department of Philosophy, University of HertfordshireUNESCO Chair in Information and Computer Ethics, School of Humanities, University of HertfordshireCoordinator of the GPI, the research Group on Philosophy of Information, University of HertfordshireFellow of St Cross College, University of Oxford
Senior Member, Faculty of Philosophy, University of OxfordResearch Associate and Fellow in Information Policy, OUCL (Dept. of Computer Science), University of OxfordCoordinator of the IEG, the Information, Ethics interdepartmental research Group, University of OxfordEditor-in-Chief of Philosophy & Technology (Springer).
Area editor (computing and information), Synthese | Associate editor (philosophy of information), The Information Society | Member, Editorial Boards of Ethics and Information Technology | Minds and Machines | International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction | Telematics & Informatics | Identity in the Information SocietyPresident, International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP). Member of the Ethics Strategic Panel of the British Computer Society (BCS).

Linda Giannini

She teaches in a nursery school (Latina, Italy). Expert of educational methodologies, and advisor for the application of multi media to education, she collaborates with the CREATIVE-CyberGroup/LRE EgoCreaNet, and with the University of Firenze, Italy. She is also moderator of some mailing-list such as Tirocinio and dw-infanzia.
Graduated in Philosophy at the University of Ferrara, Italy [degree course in Technology of audiovisual and multi-media communication]. ICT Consultant of seminars; training courses; educational tv programs (Mediamente, Multimedi@scuola puntate [5]-[7]-[8], and Mosaico [Using educational CD-ROM in the nursery classes], [Computer in the nursery school]; and of forums ["Bambini ed internet" - Fila 4 family - World Wide School: nuovi modi di fare scuola]. Since 1997, she is researching the impact on education by web communities, chats, 3D world. Involved in European projects (1999 on) and in Educational Robotics (2003 on). She is currently supervisor for the traineeship at SSIS tutor, University of Latium, Italy. She received the 2009 Special Awards “School” by Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia (Milan, Italy) Tecnovisionarie®” 2009, and she is 2009/2010 eTwinning.Ambassador.

Paola Maestro

Psicologa e psicoterapeuta ad indirizzo psicoanalitico, a Genova e ad Alessandria.  Collabora alla gestione di due comunità residenziali educative per adolescenti e si occupa della formazione e della supervisione di operatori di diversi servizi rivolti all’età evolutiva. È socia dell’Istituto di Psicoterapia del Bambino e dell’Adolescente di Milano, all'interno del quale fa parte del Comitato dell'Area Clinica e della Ricerca. Ha svolto varie attività di formazione per insegnanti.

Luca Marini

Vice President of Italian National Bioethics Committee; Professor of International Law at “La Sapienza” University of Rome; European Commission “Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam” of Biolaw; President of Centre for Biojuridical Studies “ECSEL” (European Centre for Science, Ethics and Law); Member of Task Force on Nanotechnologies of FEDERCHIMICAIn 2002, Professor Marini took the initiative for a working group of the Italian National Bioethics Committee on nanosciences and nanotechnology. This group produced an opinion on ethical aspects of nanotechnology in 2006. As president of Center for Biojuridical Studies “ECSEL”, Prof. Marini has promoted, organised and realized several events discussing ethics of nanotechnology, converging technologies and other new technologies.

Letizia Melina

Laurea in giurisprudenza, diploma e master di specializzazione in studi europei, abilitazione alla professione forense. Ha collaborato come ricercatore al CNR - unità operativa “Direzione politica della PA” e come cultore della materia presso l’Università agli Studi la Sapienza, cattedra di diritto Amministrativo. Dal 1998 è dirigente presso il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione prima con responsabilità per la contrattualistica per il Sistema Informativo e poi per l’innovazione tecnologica per la scuola. Da novembre 2007 è responsabile presso la PCM – Dip. Innovazione e Tecnologie del servizio studi e ricerche per l’innovazione digitale per il settore scuola e università.

Donatella Merlo

Laureata in architettura, ha insegnato nella scuola elementare dal 1969 al 2007. Si occupa di formazione degli insegnanti soprattutto in ambito matematico e informatico. Fa parte dal 1988 del Nucleo di Ricerca in Didattica della Matematica del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Torino. Si occupa di robotica dal 2000 e ha sviluppato numerosi progetti, soprattutto nella Direzione Didattica del 1° circolo di Pinerolo. Ha partecipato alla formazione del progetto Roberta e segue la formazione e le attività degli insegnanti della rete di scuole 'Roberta in Piemonte'.

Giovanna Morgavi

Laureata in Ingegneria Elettronica e in Psicologia, è Primo Ricercatore presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Istituto di Elettronica e Ingegneria dell’Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni  (IEIIT) ed è  responsabile della commessa  ‘Machine learning and Growing up’.  Svolge ricerca nell’ambito dell’ Bio-inspired learning’e Robotica Cognitiva . Ha partecipato a diversi progetti di ricerca nazionali ed europei.

Giovanni Muscato

Full Professor of Automatic Control, University of Catania Italy, where he founded - and leads - the DIEEEs' Service Robot Group (Model reduction of dynamical systems; Robust control; Parallelization of control algorithms; Soft Computing methods for control; Climbing and Walking Robots; Service robots). He is also involved in the application of robotics for Educational purposes, and his Group participates into the EUROBOT competitions since its beginning in 1998. He is one of the founders of the CLAWAR competition since 2000 and in 2010 has partecipated at the M-Elrob European Robot Trial.

Immacolata Nappi

Laureata In Filosofia, insegna nella Scuola dell’Infanzia in Ospedale “G. Gaslini” di Genova (Circolo Didattico di Genova Sturla). All’interno dell’Ospedale Pediatrico “Giannina Gaslini”, conduce, con le colleghe ,preziose attività didattiche con i bambini ricoverati. Nel 2009, dalla collaborazione con Scuola di Robotica, si è sviluppato il progetto “Raccontare i robot” alla Scuola Gaslini.

Carlo Nati

Grade with honours in Architecture at the University La Sapienza Rome, Italy; degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia Communication Technologies at University of Ferrara. He teaches geometry, architecture and interior design at Art and Design High School. He is also supervisor for teacher training students specializing in Art and Design at SSIS, University of Latium, Italy. He collaborates with the research group EgoCreaNet, Laboratorio Ricerca Educativa (Educational Research Laboratory) at University of Firenze. Currently, the SSIS University of Latium has assigned the on-line Art History course A061 to him (Cd. AD-1/C). He is also co-moderator of the mailing-list didaweb-artists: art and artistic disciplines; he is a member of the Editorial Board of e-didablog and of e-didateca of the National Catalogue of Video and Multi-media Products for Education by the M.P.I.  He is been appointed by the Ministry (MIUR) as member of the Control Committee on the e-learning in Public Administration. He is involved in researches on ICT and Education; in European projects (since 1999); in Educational Robotics (since 2003).

Guido Nicolosi

Guido Nicolosi (1970) is Assistant Professor of “Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes” at University of Catania (I), where he teaches sociology of media and new technologies at the Faculty of Political Science and has been (2006-2007) scientific coordinator at ‘Centre for Technological Innovation in Socio-linguistic and Territorial Systems in the Mediterranean Area’.He collaborates with the ‘Critical Technology Construction (CTC) Group’ and the ‘Center for Tailormade Biotechnology and Genomics’, at Wageningen University (The Netherlands). He is member of the Italian society for the social study of science and technology (STS Italy).He published in Italy Corpi al limite. Linguaggio, natura e pratiche sociali (2005) and Lost food. Comunicazione e cibo nella società ortoressica (2007).

Stefania Operto

Sociologa, esperta in metodologia delle scienze umane, con particolare riferimento alle implicazioni connesse alla rilevazione e interpretazione dei fenomeni sociali, agli aspetti legati al data processing e ai modelli statistici applicati alle scienze sociali. Insegna Strumenti e tecniche di ricerca valutativa presso la Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università di Genova.

Alberto Pellero

Mechanical Engineer, University of Genoa, Italy, and SDA Bocconi, Milan. Since 2005, Sales Manager and Business development at Kuka Roboter Italia. Actively involved in the process of promotion and popularization of robotics, and especially devoted to Educational robotics.

Bruno Siciliano

Professor of Control and Robotics, and Director of the PRISMA Lab at University of Naples. His research interests include model identification and adaptive control, impedance and force control, visual tracking and servoing, redundant and cooperative manipulators, lightweight flexible arms, space robots, human-centered and service robotics. Since 2002 is Co-Editor of the Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics book series.  He is Co-Editor of the Springer Handbook of Robotics which received the AAP PROSE Award for Excellence in Physical Sciences & Mathematics and was also the winner in the category Engineering & Technology. He has served as President-Elect for 2006-2007, President for 2008-2009 and is currently the Society Junior Past President. He has been awarded numerous grants for his robotics group, and he is the Coordinator of the ongoing DEXMART large-scale integrating project supported by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. He received the 2010 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding leadership and commitment in promoting robotics and automation and RAS as the number one Society in the field.