
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

31/05/2017 - Progetti

Genova, 5 - 9 giugno 2017: Corso di formazione del Progetto ROIP

Genova, 5 - 9 giugno 2017: Corso di formazione del Progetto ROIP
Tempo di lettura Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti

Studenti dalla Polonia, Turchia e Italia partecipano dal 5 al 9 giugno 2017 al corso di formazione sulla programmazione di robot umanoidi del progetto Erasmus + ROIP (Robotics Over Internet Protocol). Scuola di Robotica coordina il corso.

ROIP (Robotics Over Internet Protocol) è un progetto Erasmus Plus iniziato a fine 2016 e ha l'obiettivo di assicurare un training e delle comptetenze up-to-date a docenti e studenti sull'uso delle reti di comunicazione e della robotica e fornire documentazione e app in Creative Commons. I corsi saranno nelle cinque lingue dei partner, turco, italiano, polacco, inglese, portoghese.



Robotics, microcontroller programming, creating applications are very rapidly developing areas and teachers constantly need to increase their knowledge and present the latest trends to their students. Only a few years ago, a market for programing mobile devices did not exist (as was the case of devices for installing advanced applications). Nowadays mobile application programers are professionals sought for on the IT market. A similar situation takes place in the case of robots - the fast progress requires constant training and learning. Our project concentrates on students' as well as teachers' competence. All trainings offered by the partners are from outside of our schools' curriculum. The topics of several courses are not taught in schools which will organize the courses - they are a result of teachers' individual development and extracurricular activities for the most interested students whose skills reach far beyond the curriculum. Participation in trainings will allow theachers to familiarize themselves with new working tools, programing languages and environments. Students are in a similar situation, including those most active - participation in the project will increase their development even more. Thanks to the project both target groups will gain new competence and students will achieve a better status on the professional market. Teachers, through trainings, will be able to pass their knowledge and new tools to other groups of students during their classes.
We want products of our cooperation to be free of charge and available to everyone. That is why we will make our multilingual video course of Swift programming available as Open Educational Resource. 5 language versions will make access to it easier for people using English, Turkish, Italian, Portugese and Polish. Although availability of materials in English is high, good quality educational materials in other languages are scarce. The gap shall be filled by our course.


The main goal of ROIP ((Robotics Over Internet Protocol) is constructing a remote (via-internet) control system for the professional industry robot and NAO  (humanoid shape robot). We will create multilingugal (in all partners languages) video SWIFT programming course available as Open Educational Resource. Schools participating in the project will have an opportunity to evaluate their own curriculums and to choose solutions, effectively used in partner countries, which succour the educational process. The labour market cooperation will influence the awareness of correlation between knowledge and practice. It will show practical ways of using it and it will familiarise the participants with different technological solutions. We will get the most actual knowledge used in real life.

Students, by taking part in the project and becoming acquainted with different technological ideas, will acquire skills increasing their chances in European labour market. The project gives the opportunity to confront and develop their skills with creative thinking. Furthermore, students will acquire new skills as no school, because of their curriculum,  currently teaches e.g. creating iOS applications, Android application, Windows Phone app, Ethernut microcontroller framework.
The project will involve students between 15-19 years of age. They will construct a remote (via-internet) control system for the professional industry robot NAO. During the project realization the partners will organize training classes in the field of their expertise. Topics of the classes will be strictly connected with the project's activities: robotics, automatics, IT, mechatronics and electronics.  Participation in RoboParty competition will get us possibility to cooperate with partners and contest with students form their school and countries.
One of the project's product (iOS programming video course) will be translated into the national languages of all partners and published in huge educational database - Apple iTunesU and streaming video services. It will be Open Educational Resource available for everyone for free.  Now iOS video courses are mostly in English or paid - our product will be 1 of the first complete curse in other languages for free available as Open Educational Resource.





NAO, Robot@scuola