
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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The European project RobGap ofn Bricks Magazine

The European project RobGap ofn Bricks Magazine

03/07/2015 - Articles

Robots for intergenerational gap (RobGap) is a Learning partnership project supported by the European Commission through the National Agencies within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Program. It foreseens the involvement of senior people, grandparents and parents from any social groups the involvement of senior people, grandparents and parents from any social groups to be trained and to be technologically advanced to stay with their children, mediating educational contents like maths, science, dynamics, geometry using the robots Read more


Lego, European projects, Robot@scuola
June 16th, Lucca - Final conference A possible curriculum of educational robotics: from Bee-bot to Arduino

June 16th, Lucca - Final conference A possible curriculum of educational robotics: from Bee-bot to Arduino

15/06/2015 - Courses for Teachers

On the 16th of June at the Primary School "Bertolucci Amalia Del Fiorentino" of Capannori will be the location for the final conference of the project Class 2.0. This will be held in order to meet the teachers who Participated in the project and who taught educational robotics throughout the year Read more


Autism, Dissemination, Lego, Media Direct, Robot@scuola, Creative robotics, Scratch