15/06/2015 - Courses for Teachers
June 16th, Lucca - Final conference A possible curriculum of educational robotics: from Bee-bot to Arduino

On the 16th of June at the Primary School "Bertolucci Amalia Del Fiorentino" of Capannori will be the location for the final conference of the project Class 2.0. This will be held in order to meet the teachers who Participated in the project and who taught educational robotics throughout the year
On the 16th of June at the Primary School "Bertolucci Amalia Del Fiorentino" of Capannori will be the location for the final conference of the project Class 2.0. This will be held in order to meet the teachers who Participated in the project and who taught educational robotics throughout the year.
The conference will be held by Emanuele Micheli. It will be a 2 hour class running from 17 -19. In this class he will discuss the realization of a vertical curriculum from kindergarten through high school while using different tools and methodologies though the processes will remain the same.
Micheli will have the occasion to introduce the project EDUROB to the audience that will be comprised of teachers and tutors.
At the end of the conference he will present case studies showing how Arduino, the beebot and Legos were used in schools at all levels from teachers all across Italy.
The kits that will be presented again with a methodological approach are: