Genoa, 22 May 2019: RoboTeatro on the island that is there
The IL CUCCIOLO ONLUS Association in collaboration with the School of Robotics presents the work done during the annual workshop by the host children. Read more
The IL CUCCIOLO ONLUS Association in collaboration with the School of Robotics presents the work done during the annual workshop by the host children. Read more
Of the gate the Italian project MOSAIC, aimed to produce educational tools to support inclusive activities at school for kids with Austic Spectrum Disorders. Free webinar on January 30th. Read more
In the frame of the National Exhibit of Education Technology and ICT media, School of Robotics will offer many free workshops to Teachers. The subjects that will be discussed in these hands-on wp's will be educational robotics, 3D printing for educational aims, coding, and all the innovative educational tools. Read more
School of Robotics Emanueel Micheli is going to give a talk at the Erickson Conference on "The Quality of School inclusion". Micheli will present some case studies where the use of robotics kit and of the humanoid robot NAO have improved the learning abilities of SEN students. School of Robotics is working, as partner of the Europole, in the EDUROB project. Read more
The Edurob team with the help of the Pedagogic University Krakow have arranged a conference on "Assistive Technology to support Human Development". There will be a number of presentations from the EduRob team and the programme will be enhanced by external presentations from institutions around Europe and beyond. Read more
At the Aula Magna of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan will host an international conference on special education and new technologies. School Robotics organizes two workshops within the conference dedicated to the use of humanoid robotics with autistic children. Read more
On the 16th of June at the Primary School "Bertolucci Amalia Del Fiorentino" of Capannori will be the location for the final conference of the project Class 2.0. This will be held in order to meet the teachers who Participated in the project and who taught educational robotics throughout the year Read more
The european project "Teamwork, Training and Technology Network" organize a international conference on tools for science. In this conference School of Robotics will present the workshop on Educational Robotics called "Batbot", using a Lego Mindstorm Ev3. Read more
CNR Institute for Educational Technology (IRD) holds a free webinar on October 13th centered on the use of Educational robotics for autistic children. The webinar is part of an action called "Technology and Inclusion" and it is managned under the cooperation between the ITD and INDIRE. Read more
Special needs education is the practice of educating students with intellectual disabilities in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. This process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures. Equipment and materials design adapt to help learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and the community. Read more