
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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Genoa, 14 - 16 November 2016: Free workshops for Teachers on coding, educational robotics, innovation at school

Genoa, 14 - 16 November 2016: Free workshops for Teachers on coding, educational robotics, innovation at school

16/11/2016 - Courses for Teachers, Events

In the frame of the National Exhibit of Education Technology and ICT media, School of Robotics will offer many free workshops to Teachers. The subjects that will be discussed in these hands-on wp's will be educational robotics, 3D printing for educational aims, coding, and all the innovative educational tools. Read more


Arduino, Autism, Design, Dissemination, Women&Technology, Il Mare in 3D, MIUR, Roboethics, Robot@scuola
Caserta, Italy, 18th-21st of October: four days seminar on the Educational Robotics organized by the Ministry of Education

Caserta, Italy, 18th-21st of October: four days seminar on the Educational Robotics organized by the Ministry of Education

16/10/2010 - Lectures, News

Hosted and co-organized by the Technical Institute "Giordani" of Caserta, Italy, and by the Italian Ministry for Education, 18th-21st of October: four days Conference-seminar about Science&Automation: the Robotics Course. Among the many Speakers, School of Robotics' Fiorella Operto, and some of our Colleagues involved in Educational Robotics: Open Doors to Robotics, Schoolnet; Paolo Torda of the Institute "von Neumann", Roma, and the Digital World Foundation. Read more


MIUR, Robot@scuola
SMAU 2004

SMAU 2004

22/10/2004 - Courses for Teachers

In occasione di SMAU 2004, esposizione internazionale dell'information & communications technology, il Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca ha organizzato un proprio spazio espositivo - B14 - presso il padiglione 22 della Fiera di Milano. All'interno dello stand si sono svolti numerosi microseminari aventi come filo conduttore il tema dell'utilizzo delle tecnologie informatiche e la multimedialità nella didattica, argomenti basilari per la formazione e l'aggiornamento del p Read more
