
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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American Academy of Pediatrics has lifted its recommendation discouraging all electronic media use in children under the age of 2.

American Academy of Pediatrics has lifted its recommendation discouraging all electronic media use in children under the age of 2.

05/11/2016 - Publications, Press Club

In a marked shift from recommendations first adopted in 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics has lifted its recommendation discouraging all electronic media use in children under the age of 2. The new recommendations for children's media use acknowledge that some media exposure can have educational value for children as young as 18 months, but it should be high-quality programming—the AAP specifically referenced "Sesame Street," and children's programming provided by PBS. Read more


Robot@scuola, Science&Society
Springer Handbook of Robotics second Edition: A research- and application-oriented handbook that covers one of the hottest topics in science and technology

Springer Handbook of Robotics second Edition: A research- and application-oriented handbook that covers one of the hottest topics in science and technology

02/07/2016 - News, Publications

The second edition of this handbook provides a state-of-the-art cover view on the various aspects in the rapidly developing field of robotics. Reaching for the human frontier, robotics is vigorously engaged in the growing challenges of new emerging domains. Interacting, exploring, and working with humans, the new generation of robots will increasingly touch people and their lives. The credible prospect of practical robots among humans is the result of the scientific endeavour of a half a century of robotic developments that established robotics as a modern scientific discipline. Read more


Dissemination, Roboethics, Science&Society
The Yes WE STEM free ebook (Women Empowerment in STEM) released to public

The Yes WE STEM free ebook (Women Empowerment in STEM) released to public

30/06/2016 - Books, Publications

The Italian Wister network (Women for Intelligent and Smart TERritories) has just released a free ebook outlining many "Yes WE STEM" issues in Women&Technology field. The book was edited with the support of Italian Ministry of Education, Research, and University, displaying studies by many women in the fields of communication, social sciences, science and technology. Read more


Women&Technology, Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Science&Society