23/05/2019 - Projects, Publications
Roboable: An article on Roboable in Form@re, international magazine of the University of Florence
Form@re Magazine publishes an article on Roboable, the kit dedicated to inclusive education.
Form@re is a quarterly periodical that aims to collect research and educational experiences, in particular on the following topics: educational research based on evidence, principles and methods of education, school innovation, technologies in teaching and learning, media education, teaching and inclusion, disciplinary teaching, basic and transversal skills, e-learning, knowledge management, lifelong learning.
Since 2013 Form@re is managed by the Department of Education and Psychology Sciences of the University of Florence.The magazine is in English.
The current issue, Vol 19, N ° 1 is dedicated to the theme: Robotics, augmented reality, virtual worlds, to support cognitive development, learning outcomes, social interaction, and inclusion. The number publishes, among others, an article dedicated to Roboable kits that you can read and download for free here: http://www.fupress.net/index.php/ form / issue / current
For more information on Roboable: https://roboable.scuoladirobotica.it/ -