
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

Search by tag: Scienza_eamp_Società

Just out a new book on robotics&society: "Robot. La macchina, il corpo, la società", G. Nicolosi Editor.

Just out a new book on robotics&society: "Robot. La macchina, il corpo, la società", G. Nicolosi Editor.

09/05/2011 - Books, News

The ED.IT Publishing House has released a very accurate and comprehensive book on robotics&society. Editor is sociologist Guido Nicolosi (University of Catania), with papers by Giovanni Muscato, Fiorella Operto, Guido Nicolosi, Giovanna Morgavi, Véronique Faucounau, Marina Maestrutti, and an Afterword by Gianmarco Veruggio. Read more


Dissemination, Science&Society
The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011) takes place from May 9 to 13, 2011, in Shanghai, China.

The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011) takes place from May 9 to 13, 2011, in Shanghai, China.

09/05/2011 - Lectures, Events, News

The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011) takes place from May 9 to 13, 2011, in Shanghai, China. The theme of the conference is "Better Robots, Better Life", an xpectation that the ever growing technology in robotics and automation will help build a better human society. The School of Robotics has submitted two papers, which are to be presented on May 13th. Read more


Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Science&Society
Womens and robotics at "Women in Science, Innovation and Technology in the Digital Age"

Womens and robotics at "Women in Science, Innovation and Technology in the Digital Age"

08/03/2011 - Lectures

The European Commission’s Information Society and Media Directorate General and the Hungarian EU Presidency were jointly organizing in collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the European Centre for Women and Technology the high-level conference “Women in Science, Innovation and Technology in the Digital Age” on 7th-8th March 2011 at the main building of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest. The School of Robotics was officially invited. Read more


Women&Technology, PEC, Roberta, Science&Society