
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

26/03/2011 - Courses for Teachers, Classes for Students, Events, News

Raccontare i robot 2011: Genoa, 4th to 10th of April, 2011

Raccontare i robot 2011:  Genoa, 4th to 10th of April, 2011
Reading time Reading time: 0.5 minutes

RACCONTARE I ROBOT 2011 (Tell me a tale about robots) is a week of events unraveling in the beautiful area of the Genoa's Old Port, Italy. A week of exhibit, laboratories, and many many tales about.. robots.

Here below you can download Raccontare i robot 2011's Poster and Program (in Italian).

(0.85 MB) (0.07 MB)


Library DeAmicis, Dissemination, Band degli Orsi, KUKA, Luzzati Museum, Tell me about robots, Science&Society, SimPro