
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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Turin, Italy, 4th-5th of November, 2010: Workshop on Educational Robotics

Turin, Italy, 4th-5th of November, 2010: Workshop on Educational Robotics

27/10/2010 - Lectures, News, Projects

In Turin, the 4th and 5th of November, an important two-days Conference on Educational Robotics in Technical and Vocational Schools. It is organized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Regional Department of Piedmont. In this frame, some regional institutions are going to sign an Agreement Protocol promoting the development of Educational robotics in schools. Project leader is Technical School "IPSIA GALILEI", in Turin. Read more


Greenlight for girls. Bruxelles, November 20th, 2010, 300 girls working on scitech

Greenlight for girls. Bruxelles, November 20th, 2010, 300 girls working on scitech

25/10/2010 - Lectures, Events

300 girls will be invited to the premises of the International School of Brussels, on 20th of November. This event, aimed at girls ages 11 to 15, will be full of interactive, hands-on workshops to show the fun behind science. The workshops, held in French, Dutch and English, will be given by role models and professionals with various science, math, engineering and technology backgrounds. Read more


Roberta, Robot@scuola, Science&Society
Educational Robotics at View Conference 2010

Educational Robotics at View Conference 2010

25/10/2010 - Lectures, Events

27th of October, Turin, Italy. In the frame of View Conference, School of Robotics sèeaks about "Educational robotics: A bridge between two worlds". VIEW Conference is the premiere international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming and VFX. Read more

