
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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NAO Challenge 2014-15 also in Italy! Regsiter NOW!

NAO Challenge 2014-15 also in Italy! Regsiter NOW!

25/09/2014 - Events, News

With the NAO Challenge, develop your skills to allow the robot to achieve everyday tasks around the house ! Aldebaran organizes this annual competition for high-schools students. The goal is to raise awareness of the benefits of learning informatics and technology by motivating and teaching students on a humanoid robot. The NAO Challenge this year is offered in 5 European countries: France, Denmark, Italy, Germany and the UK. Read more


NAO, Robot@scuola, Science&Society
September 23rd, 2014, "Educational Robotics for cognitive disabilities".

September 23rd, 2014, "Educational Robotics for cognitive disabilities".

23/09/2014 - Lectures, Projects

Special needs education is the practice of educating students with intellectual disabilities in a way that addresses their individual differences and needs. This process involves the individually planned and systematically monitored arrangement of teaching procedures. Equipment and materials design adapt to help learners with special needs achieve a higher level of personal self-sufficiency and success in school and the community. Read more


Autism, Lego, NAO, PEC, European projects, Robot@scuola, Science&Society
EU Code Week! Apply for coding!

EU Code Week! Apply for coding!

10/09/2014 - Events, News

Europe Code Week aims to celebrate coding, the art and science of talking to computers. A deeper understanding of technology is becoming the new literacy and a much needed competitive advantage of a digital Europe. Youth unemployment is rising all over the continent, yet we'll have a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT jobs by 2015. Read more


C++, ECWT, Robot@scuola, Scratch