NAO robot leading actor at FIRST® LEGO® League, Cuneo, 1 of February2015
Humanoid robot NAO acted a a movie star at the FIRST® LEGO® League, Cuneo, 1 February, 2015.NAO lead the Tai Chi training for the FLL teams. See video here. Read more
Humanoid robot NAO acted a a movie star at the FIRST® LEGO® League, Cuneo, 1 February, 2015.NAO lead the Tai Chi training for the FLL teams. See video here. Read more
The six teams qualified for the FLL Final (Milan, 6 - 7 of March, 2015, Fabbrica del Vapore - Milano, EXPO) are: FLL1 Robofriends; FLL6 Firestorm; FLL21 Merlo Roboteam; FLL27 MichelinRobot; FLL29 The Pantas&Friends; FLL42 I.C. Figino Serenza. Read more
Nao Challenge Course, 17 January 2015, at Fondazione Golinelli, Bologna. Thirty-five teachers participated in the course in Bologna, Italy. Introduction to NAO simulator, Webots. Read more
On February 1st, 2015, Cuneo PalaBreBanca will be hosting the Italian Interregional for the North-West of FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL). What is the future of learning? FIRST® LEGO® League teams will find the answers. In the 2014 FLL WORLD CLASS℠ Challenge, over 265,000 children from 80 countries will redesign how we gather knowledge and skills in the 21st century. Teams will teach adults about the ways that kids need and want to learn. Read more
Free laboratories of educational robotics at Cuneo PalaBreBanca! On February 1st, 2015, from 10 to 17. Come to the Italian FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) - Interregional of North-West, and follow our activities! Read more
Build Your Own Robot is the new robotics kit + app developed by School of Robotics in cooperation with Campus Store/Media Direct. BYOR is perfect to introduce Arduino in a simple and pleasant way. BYOR is the right tool to start learning coding, electronics, and robotics. Read more
On January 26th, 2015, the National Network for Educational Robotics, whose leading school is San Giorgio Nautical School of Genoa) starts a new cycle of educational and training courses. Read more
Almost 80 teams accepted to the NAO CHALLENGE ITALY 2015! The Final Contest: Bologna, May 23.24, 2015. On January 17th, 2015: Free Training Course on Programming the NAO robot (Bologna, at Fondazioe Golinelli) for the teachers of the competing teams. Read more
The first laboratory of the Firewall project took place at Genoa Cicagna Middle School. Privacy issues of social networking sites. Read more
The Tin Man is a blog edited by Elena Parodi. She followed the Rock&Rob laboratory, for two days, on the barge Arco89. Outiside, it was raining, and barge was a little ship in the sea universe.. She wrote a report which to say that. Read more