
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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eu Code Week 10-18 October 2015

eu Code Week 10-18 October 2015

29/09/2015 - Events

Europe Code Week is a grassroots initiative which aims to bring coding and digital literacy to everybody in a fun and engaging way. Today we live in a world that has been affected by rapid advances in technology. The way we work, communicate, shop and think has changed dramatically. In order to cope with these rapid changes and to make sense of the world around us, we need to not only develop our understanding of how technology works, but also develop skills and capabilities, that will help us to adapt to living in this new era. Read more


European projects, Robot@scuola, Science&Society, Scratch
23 September 2015, Pedagogic University Krakow. International Scientific Conference on Assistive technology to support human development

23 September 2015, Pedagogic University Krakow. International Scientific Conference on Assistive technology to support human development

17/09/2015 - Projects

The Edurob team with the help of the Pedagogic University Krakow have arranged a conference on "Assistive Technology to support Human Development". There will be a number of presentations from the EduRob team and the programme will be enhanced by external presentations from institutions around Europe and beyond. Read more


Autism, European projects, Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Creative robotics, Schools at hospital
Genoa, 25th of September 2015: School of Robotics at researchers night

Genoa, 25th of September 2015: School of Robotics at researchers night

15/09/2015 - Events

The Genoa Researchers Night takes place in the Old Port on September 25th. European Researcher's' night, as from its first edition in 2006, is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) action, under the Horizon 2020 specific programme "Excellent science"; it consists of a pan-European event taking place on the last Friday night of September. Read more


CNR, Dissemination, Firewall, Lego, Robot@scuola, Creative robotics
04/09/2015 - Courses for Teachers September 7, Lucca - Course "How does the school 2.0 - Educational robotics"

04/09/2015 - Courses for Teachers September 7, Lucca - Course "How does the school 2.0 - Educational robotics"

04/09/2015 - Courses for Teachers

The comprehensive school Carlo Piaggia is leading a new course dedicated to educational robotics, the School of Robotics is one of the organizers. SDR will be present with two interventions Emanuele Micheli on educational robotics in terms of teaching and use of Lego Mindstorms at primary and secondary levels. Read more


Women&Technology, Lego, Media Direct, Roberta, Robot@scuola