
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

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Just out a new book on robotics&society: "Robot. La macchina, il corpo, la società", G. Nicolosi Editor.

Just out a new book on robotics&society: "Robot. La macchina, il corpo, la società", G. Nicolosi Editor.

09/05/2011 - Books, News

The ED.IT Publishing House has released a very accurate and comprehensive book on robotics&society. Editor is sociologist Guido Nicolosi (University of Catania), with papers by Giovanni Muscato, Fiorella Operto, Guido Nicolosi, Giovanna Morgavi, Véronique Faucounau, Marina Maestrutti, and an Afterword by Gianmarco Veruggio. Read more


Dissemination, Science&Society
A new book by Maurizio Garbati, "Robotica Educativa", "Educational Robotics"

A new book by Maurizio Garbati, "Robotica Educativa", "Educational Robotics"

08/10/2010 - Books, News

Maurizo Garbati is a Professor of Technology in an Italian middle school. He is one of the first teacher who introduced in Italy microrobotics as technological tool, and wrote a first book, "Laboratorio di Microrobotica". Now, in this new manual, "Robotica Educativa" (Boopen Publisher), which embraces his - and his students' - experiences over the last five years, he works especially on the educational value of the interaction robot-environment. Read more


Lego, Robot@scuola