Turin, View Conference 2013: A week of classes on "Let's Make a Robot"
The Committee of the View Conference has invited School of Robotics to held in the Turin schools a week of classes devoted to 3D printing and robotics. To apply write to: info@scuoladirobotica.it Read more
Udine Science Center e Scuola di Robotica propongono una ROBOTIC SUMMER SCHOOL
Udine Science Center è un luogo dove si può scoprire il meraviglioso mondo delle scienze e della tecnologia. Proponiamo percorsi, mostre, eventi e attività volte alla diffusione della cultura scientifica e tecnologica. Un luogo senza esposizioni permanenti, ma dove la scienza e la tecnologia si possono toccare e manipolare. Dove la scuola trova un punto d'appoggio per svolgere le attività laboratoriali e dove un ragazzo può decidere di iscriversi a corsi pomeridiani di approfondimento. Il Read more
Genoa, 10 - 12 September 2013. Designing wearable devices with new electronic components.
The School of Robotics and the Department of Architecture&Design of Genoa Politecnique are organizing a three days Workshop on Designing wearables devices. Read more
Creative Robotics for Kids. "Creative robots augmented" by I. Nappi
Immacolata Nappi is a teacher at the School in Hospital "Gaslini" in Genoa. She and her students are working on an upgrade of the creative artifacts inspired by robotics. Theey have added them electricity and Arduino. Read more
Summer School 2013. July 5 Early Bird registration deadline!!!
Early registration: Deadline on JULY 5TH. Read more
Genoa, 26-28 of July, 2013: School of Robotics' Summer School
School of Robotics'Summer School for adults takes place in Genoa 26th through 28th of July. As in the 2012 edition, a parallel laboratories and classes for kids. Read more
Genoa, Workshop on Arduino&Robotics, June 15 and 16th, 213
Two-days workshop on Arduino platform and robotics. How to built a low-cost robot, using Arduino. Read more
Genova, June 8th and 9th, 2013: Underwater and other robots exploring the sea
Two days on a barge ship, for kids and teens; Designing, building and programming a small rov (underwater robot). For information and registration: info@scuoladirobotica.it Read more
April 2013: New cicle round of classes on Arduino at Genoa Technical Institute Calvino
School of Robotics and Technical Institute "Calvino" (Genova) are upgrading their cooperation in the field of robotics for students. In a few days a new clicle of afternoon classes on Arduino for robots are going to start. Read more