Just out a new book on robotics&society: "Robot. La macchina, il corpo, la società", G. Nicolosi Editor.
The ED.IT Publishing House has released a very accurate and comprehensive book on robotics&society. Editor is sociologist Guido Nicolosi (University of Catania), with papers by Giovanni Muscato, Fiorella Operto, Guido Nicolosi, Giovanna Morgavi, Véronique Faucounau, Marina Maestrutti, and an Afterword by Gianmarco Veruggio. Read more
The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011) takes place from May 9 to 13, 2011, in Shanghai, China.
The 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011) takes place from May 9 to 13, 2011, in Shanghai, China. The theme of the conference is "Better Robots, Better Life", an xpectation that the ever growing technology in robotics and automation will help build a better human society. The School of Robotics has submitted two papers, which are to be presented on May 13th. Read more
Genova, 12 of May, 2011, 6 pm, La Passeggiata Librocaffè: 1st lesson on Artificial Vision
An informal talk "da bar", some café chats on Artificial Vision. How do they read your car's numberplate and you get a sanction. And how robot can "read" images, faces and some human emotions. Read more
Genova, May 10th, 2011: A seminar on "New Technologies, Robotics and Disability".
It is organized by Ethos, Cultural Society; by The National Institute of Bioethics, and by the University of Genoa. Read more
MIP 2011: May of Awarness on Psichology
MIP – a month devoted to a national information and awareness campaign about Psychology. In the frame of MIP national campaign, Paola Maestro delivers two talks in Genoa, on May 5th and May 12th, 18:30 – 20:15, at the BIM BUM BAM Day Care Center (Uphill road Fava Greca 3/1b, Genova). The topics of the two conferences are, respectively: “Being parents: an hard job”, and “When they are smarter than us: teens and technology”. Read more
"Matematica: non è solo questione di testa". A book we recommend.
This book (in Italian) is devoted to light on the learning-teaching processes involved in the learning-teaching of Mathematics. School of Robotics' Donatella Merlo is one of the Authors. Read more
Turin, Italy: May 5th, 2011: Workshop on Educational Robotics, Didamatica 2011
Turin, May 5th, 2011. Organkzed by the School of Robotics and the Piedmontese school network "Porte Aperte alla Robotica" (Doors Open to Robotics): A Workshop about Educational Robotics, at Didamatica 2011. Read more
Västerås, Sweden, 6-8 April 2011: Roboethics at the euRobotics Forum
School of Robotics was invited as expert of Ethical, Legal and Societal Issues in robotics to the 2011 "European Robotics Forum", which was held on April 6-8, 2011 in Västerås, Sweden, hosted by Robotdalen. Read more
Lucca: a school network dedicated to educational robotics
Emanuele Micheli of the School of Robotics intervened into the workshop organized by a netwrok of 20 schools in the Lucca area. This schoolnet is working on a wide project in Educational robotics which is going to start in October 2011. Read more