
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

Search by tag: Roboethics

Rimini, November 14th: School of Robotics' workshop on robotics for inclusion

Rimini, November 14th: School of Robotics' workshop on robotics for inclusion

11/11/2015 - Lectures

School of Robotics Emanueel Micheli is going to give a talk at the Erickson Conference on "The Quality of School inclusion". Micheli will present some case studies where the use of robotics kit and of the humanoid robot NAO have improved the learning abilities of SEN students. School of Robotics is working, as partner of the Europole, in the EDUROB project. Read more


Autism, Design, Human Centered Robotic Design, Lego, Media Direct, NAO, European projects, Roboethics, Robot@scuola
23 September 2015, Pedagogic University Krakow. International Scientific Conference on Assistive technology to support human development

23 September 2015, Pedagogic University Krakow. International Scientific Conference on Assistive technology to support human development

17/09/2015 - Projects

The Edurob team with the help of the Pedagogic University Krakow have arranged a conference on "Assistive Technology to support Human Development". There will be a number of presentations from the EduRob team and the programme will be enhanced by external presentations from institutions around Europe and beyond. Read more


Autism, European projects, Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Creative robotics, Schools at hospital