The project "Robot's band" is started
Educational and creative robotics in hospital is real in Gaslini Hospital. The kick off meeting of the project was a success. Teachers of the hospital's School, Hospital's Educator, volunteers of Gaslini Band Band and teachers from vocational school are present and involved with passion and entusiasm. The teacher training course is coordinated by School of Robotics. Read more
The prooject Roberta on the first issue of Italian Wired
The project Roberta and Fiorella Operto of School of Robotics are described on the first issue of the Italian Wired. The famous magazine celebrated the first issue with an article on 2 Italians who can change his country. Fiorella Operto is choose because with SoR can introduce robotics for everyone. Read more
"Robotics: A New Science" on the magazine Media Duemila (in Italian)
MediaDuemila Magazine deals with the conference "Robotics a New Science" organized by School of Robotics at Accademia dei Lincei. Read more
Article on roboethics on MediaDuemila Magazine
The article is focused on robotics as the science of the future. Different point of view was offered during the Symposium at Accademia dei Lincei (Rome).In this article are quoted Y. Nakamura (Univ. of Kyoto), B. Siciliano (Univ. Federico II di Napoli, G. Veruggio (CNR - SdR), Paolo Dario (SSSUP di Pisa) e R. Chatila (LAAS - Toulose) Read more