
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

Search by topic: Lectures

Roberta a “Women and Technologies”

Roberta a “Women and Technologies”

08/09/2008 - Lectures

Roberta a “Women and Technologies” Il giorno 8 settembre 2008, nell’ambito del prestigioso IFIP WCC - World Computer Congress , (Milano, 7 - 10 settembre 2008, presso la Fiera Milano Congressi - MIC, via Gattamelata 5) si terrà la conferenza Women&Technologies: research and innovation. La conferenza si svolgerà nell’arco di un’intera giornata (9.30 - 18.30) - suddivisa in sessioni di lavoro e tavole rotonde - e vedrà la partecipazione in presenza e in videoconferenza di relatrici d’eccellenza, Read more


Women&Technology, Roberta
Pianeta Galileo è un’iniziativa promossa dal Consiglio Regionale della Toscana

Pianeta Galileo è un’iniziativa promossa dal Consiglio Regionale della Toscana

09/11/2007 - Lectures

For a month Tuscany is going to reflect upon the gfreat themes of science. On 9th November in Arezzo Humanoid Robots will be the topic which Gianmarco Veruggio (School of Robotics), Giuseppe Menga (Politechnic of Turin) and Remo Richetti (S.S. Sant'Anna of Pisa) will discuss upon. In this conference humanoids will be spoken from several points of view: from technical problems about how to give them balance until their impact in our society. WEB: Read more


Dissemination, Roboethics
ICRA 07 - Workshop sulla Roboetica

ICRA 07 - Workshop sulla Roboetica

14/04/2007 - Lectures

Organized in the framework of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'07), that will be held in Rome, Italy, from 10 to 14 April 2007. The Workshop will be hosted on April 14th at the School of Engineering of the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in the area of San Pietro in Vincoli, close to the Colosseum. The Workshop is on the initiative of the IEEE-RAS Technical Committee on Roboethics. Read more


IEEE, Roboethics, Science&Society
La Robotica tra Mito e Fantascienza

La Robotica tra Mito e Fantascienza

07/11/2006 - Lectures

On 7th November, 10:30-11:00 a.m. in the Aula Polivalente S. Salvatore Piazza Sarzano, Genova, took place the meeting between Paolo Rossi and Gianmarco Veruggio. This meeting was the closing event of the Festival of Science 2006. The famous philosopher of science and the president of School of Robotics met to discuss about: “A dialog between science and magic”. An incredible chance for teachers and students to enter the magic world of science!!!!! Read more


Dissemination, Science&Society
Modern Time

Modern Time

13/05/2006 - Lectures

On one hand the development of industrialization and the application of automation to work processes on the other, did deeply changed social and economical relationships of society. At the same time, and not troubleless, machines took the place of men in doing hard works, setting time and resources free for individual and social development. The progress of Robotics needs a seroius and longlasting reflection and a renewed ethical commitment to address the development of these suprising intellige Read more


Dissemination, Science&Society
edutainment and scientific communication

edutainment and scientific communication

23/02/2006 - Lectures

Luigi De Concilio, Carla Sibilla, Gianmarco Veruggio This meeting, organized by FERPI, was part of a cycle of conferences on communication. Other to Gianmarco Veruggio (School of Robothics), who spoke about scientific communication, Luigi De Concilio (ENEL) and Carla Sibilla (Costa Edutainment) were the other relators. Read more


Dissemination, Science&Society
Robots in the abyss

Robots in the abyss

08/11/2005 - Lectures

Antonio Pascoal, Vincent Rigaud, Tamaki Ura, Gianmarco Veruggio, Dana Yoerger The Final Day of Festival della Scienza, which was held on November 8, 2005, in the Sala del Maggior Consiglio of Palazzo Ducale in Genoa has seen the participation of an important delegation of underwater robotics scientists discussing about their scientific adventures in front of an audience of more than 500 students coming from schools all over Italy. Read more


Premiere of the movie "I, Robot"

Premiere of the movie "I, Robot"

13/10/2004 - Events, Lectures

In occasione della prima italiana del film Io, Robot, la Twentieth Century Fox e la hanno organizzato al Warner Village Cinemas Moderno di Roma, in piazza della Repubblica, un evento dedicato alle scuole. Dopo la proiezione si è tenuta una tavola rotonda, organizzata da , dedicata al tema dell'etica nella progettazione ed uso di queste macchine intelligenti. Vi hanno partecipato, oltre a Gianmarco Veruggio, Daniela Cerqui, Carlo Rambaldi e Guglielmo Tamburrini. Moderatore Mario Tozzi. All'event Read more


Dissemination, Roboethics