23/05/2017 - Lectures, News
Firenze, May 25th 2017: Gianmarco Veruggio on Roboethics at Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere
Reading time: 0.5 minutes
Honorary President of the School of Robotics, Gianmarco Veruggio will give a talk on Roboethics at Accademia La Colombaria in Firenze.
The Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere "La Colombaria" was funded in Florence the 18th century by a group of scholars of history, and literature. The first place where those scholars met was the dovecote tower of the Pazzi Palace. From this comes the name "La Colombaria" (The Dovecote).
Veruccio's lecture is one of a cycle of conferenes under the headline "Ciclo di lezioni “Roboetica. Dall’algoritmo all’umanoide”, "Roboethics. From algorithm to humanoid robots"