03/03/2017 - Events, News
Italy, March 2 - 4: Digital Rose Week (Rosa Digitale) to promote girls and women in STEM

The Rosa Digitale (Digital Rose) movement was born in Italy last year thanks to many social groups that want to contribute to the promotion of girsl and women in techno scientific disciplines and careers. School of Robotics is the Contact Organization for the Liguria regione, and Rosa Digitale Media Partner.
The Digital Rose movement -- RosaDigitale http://rosadigitale.it/ -- will be orgazing from March 2nd to 14th a "rose" of events all over Italy, where issues of technology, science, prejudices, and stereotypes will be discussed.
School of Robotics website will host interviews with women who have followed techno scientifici careers, and with "impossible interviews" with outstanding women of the past like Mary Sommerville, Ada Lovelace, Emilie du Chatelet, Marie Curie.