02/03/2016 - News, Projects
Bologna, May 7th 2016: NAO Challenge Italia 2016 Final Contest

Forty-five teams applied to the NAO Challenge Italia 2016 Final Contest (May 7th 2016, Bologna). The NAO Challenge is organized by Aldebaran, the School of RObotics (NAO Challenge Ambassador), by Fondazione Golinelli, and Media Direct Campustore. These teams are coming from many Italian Regions (Piemonte, Liguria, Lombardia, Veneto, Toscana, Emilia, Marche, Abruzzo, and Campania). and are representing several high school (Technical, High Schools).
This 2016 edition of the NAO Challenge has been improved.
Some days ago, in Bologna (February 20th 2016) some 40 teachers, turors of the resgitered teams, followed one day training copurse on how to program the NAO.
Furthrmore, Aldebaran is makinag availabe to the registered teams tem robots NAO, so they can download and test their program on a physical robot.