18/05/2015 - Events

Final Challenge: Bologna, 23 - 24 of May, 2015 at La Scuola delle Idee, Voltone del Podestà, Piazza Re Enzo, 1. The NAO Challenge Europe is offered in 5 countries, France, Denmark, Italy, Germany and the UK. More than 1320 students and teachers will compete!
NATIONAL NAO CHALLENGE 2015: Bologna, 23 - 24 of May 2015, at La Scuola delle Idee, Voltone del Podestà, Piazza Re Enzo 1
The NAO Challenge Europe is offered in 5 countries : France, Denmark, Italy, Germany and the UK. There are more than 1320 students and teachers that will compete in this event.
Join the NAO Challenge Europe and you will have a chance to win a NAO for your school! Read more below.
School of Robotics is Italian Nao Challenge Ambassador. The Italian NAO Challenge 2015 is co-organized with Scuola delle Idee, Golinelli Foundation in Bologna.
The Challenge
In the NAO Challenge, NAO's help families to live better at home. Let’s see what you can have NAO do in the living room!
All secondary classes in Denmark, France, Germany, Italy and the UK can participate. The tests are the same for everyone participating.
There are local ambassadors in each of those 5 countries organizing the event and adapting the challenge locally. At the end, there will be 1 finalist and 1 NAO to win per country.
For the NAO Challenge, we will be offering licenses to the participants. Teams do not need to have a NAO as tests can be prepared on the simulation software from September 2014 to May 2015. On the day of the finals, a NAO will be made available for each finalist team.