20/08/2014 - Events, News
11-17 Ottobre: European Code Week

Europe Code Week aims to celebrate coding, the art and science of talking to computers. A deeper understanding of technology is becoming the new literacy and a much needed competitive advantage of a digital Europe. Youth unemployment is rising all over the continent, yet we'll have a shortage of up to 900,000 ICT jobs by 2015.
That's why we want to inspire European citizens of all ages to start learning the language of computers between Saturday, October 11 and Friday, October 17, 2014. And we believe you can help, regardless of whether you already know how powerful and fun coding is or whether you've never written a line of code yourself.
- See more at: http://codeweek.eu/news/#sthash.43PKcukO.dpuf
See eurocodeblog: http://blog.codeweek.eu/