24/09/2013 - Lectures, Courses for Teachers
Genova, Biblioteca De Amicis: sei mesi di conferenze sulla robotica.
Robots in the Library. The International Yout Library De Amicis located in the beauifiul area of the Geoa Old Port, and the School of Robotics are glad to offer to schools and to the general public conferences and workshops on robotics. Check the above Calendar and reserve your workshop.
Classes for the Schools
Date degli incontri: 7 novembre 2013 - 5 dicembre 2013 - 6 febbraio 2014 - 6 marzo 2014
Orario: dalle ore 9.30 alle 11.30
You need to book from September 16th, 2013 to the preceding day. Consigliamo la partecipazione a classi di ragazzi oltre i dieci anni.
Conferences for the public
Date incontri: 12 ottobre 2013 – 16 novembre - 15 febbraio 2014
Orario: dalle ore 15.30 alle 17.30
Per partecipare occorre prenotare, ai numeri di telefono indicati in calce, a partire da 10 giorni prima dell’incontro e sino al giorno precedente.
Direzione Cultura e Turismo - Settore Musei e Biblioteche
Biblioteca Internazionale per ragazzi “Edmondo De Amicis”
Magazzini del Cotone, 2° p. 16128 Genova
Tel. 010252237 – 010265237 Fax 010252568
E-mail: deamiciseventi@comune.genova.it
Scuola di Robotica
Tel. 348 09 61 616
The International Youth Library “Edmondo De Amicis” of the Genoa Municipality (Italy), is located in Genoa, in the Porto Antico Bay Area. The Old Harbour Area itself is rich in history: Genoa was at the centre of ancient traffic, especially in the 4th century A.D., when Milan was elected capital of the Empire and did not cease to be so even though historiographical sources are scarce as late as the early Middle Ages. The trade that Genoa had with the entire Mediterranean, coincides with the history of a landing place that followed the path of the innovations in the structure of ships and the means of loading and unloading goods, modifying the coastline and the port structures, with incessant adaptations and new interventions.During the 20th century, the port traffic moved more and more to the Western part of the city and the old area remained practically unused until the restructuring in 1992 by Renzo Piano gave it back to the community.