02/11/2011 - Lectures
Milan, November 6th, 2011: A robot zoo for brunch

On November 6th, h. 12:30 - 14:30, at the Grani&Braci Restaurant, a very special brunch: School of Robotics invited to display its robot zoo.
Where: Milano, ristorante Grani&Braci, Via Farini (close to G. Ferrari St.)
When: Sunday Brunch, November 6th, 2011, from 11.30 to 15.00.
How much :25 euros for adults, 12 euros for kids. Free for toddles.
Information: www.gruppoethos.it- www.graniebraci.it - tel 02/36637422
Press Office: Laura Calevo – tel. 3355641177 – laura.calevo@laurac.it