04/09/2003 - Lectures, News

Tri@logues are public conferences where the role of the moderator is to spur answers and interventions from two specialist of disciplines somehow connected to Robotics - for instance: neuroscientists/engineers; AI experts and psychologists; ethologists and computer scientists.
Tri@logues are public conferences where the role of the moderator is to spur answers and interventions from two specialist of disciplines somehow connected to Robotics - for instance: neuroscientists/engineers; AI experts and psychologists; ethologists and computer scientists. The speakers have often different and/or opposite opinions and the moderator tries, with cautious questions and with the help of the audience, to bring to surface and to focalize the essential elements of the issues at stake.
October 15th 2003, 5:30 p-m.
Underwater Robotics in extreme environment
Giulio Melegari, Head of Saipem Diver Department, marine biologist and geologist
Gianmarco Veruggio, Head of CNR Robotlab, Robotic Engineer, diver
Melegari and Veruggio are both experts in underwater environment and marine protection.
Melegari, head of SAIPEM, ENI (Italian Oil Society) branch working on subsea pipelines in some of the world's deepest waters and most hostile climatic conditions. Veruggio, head of a Robotics Department that carried out scientific and technological researches in the most hostile sites of the world, Antarctica and Arctic.
Issues debated will pivot around the urgent problem to decontaminate the oceans from dangerous and poisonous wastes: With the help of robots or by human specialized personnel?
November 27th, 2003, 5:30 p-m.
Robotics in Genoa
Giuseppe Casalino, Director of the Department of Communication, Computer and System Sciences, University of Genoa
Gianmarco Veruggio, Head of CNR Robotlab
Granted, there is an engineering tradition in Genoa in the fields of robotic automation and of its industrial applications which produced, in the Seventies, important results. Casalino and Veruggio will speak about this tradition, from whose streamline they come from and which they represent. On the same time, however, this same tradition lived many missed opportunities and strategic mistakes which slew down the development of a forefront field crucial for the future of Genoa steered by high technology.
April 16th 2004, 10-12 a.m.
Roboethics: social, humanitarian and ecological aspects of Robotics
José Maria Galván, School of Theology, Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome
Gianmarco Veruggio, CNR-Robotlab, Genoa
Francesca Tarissi, Journalist Espresso-La Repubblica, Rome
Today's world seems to show the final victory of technology, due to its central role in human life. What is happening is not without dangers, but it can also have many positive effects on human society. Technoethics aims to establish those principles which can cause technology to be a useful element in the humankind's complete grow. The recent developments in the Robotics field seem to point out that Robotics is going to be one of the main centre of scientific and technological successes, as well as source of important changes even in our daily life. Robotics' technological applications can improve the quality of life of humankind and will benefit our planet. However, several Robotics applications can be used against humankind, as in the case of the so called "intelligent weapons".
May 4th 2004, 10-12 a.m.
Roboethics: humankind/robot coexistence
Silvio Parodi, MD, Professor of Oncology, School of Medicine, University of Genoa
Fiorella Operto, School of Robotics, Genoa
Simonetta Ronco, Journalist Il Secolo XIX, Genoa
It will be discussed the ethical problem posed by the Biomedical Robotics. This includes the medical applications of robotics and mechatronics, such as in surgery, endoscopy, rehabilitation, assistance to the disabled and the elderly, and prosthetics, as well as research and application in more speculative areas, such as the modelling and replication if biological systems. Biomedical Robotics poses new and exciting problems for theory and technology, not only to Robotics as such, but to many other disciplines. Biomedical Robots is expected to improve the quality of health care and life for citizens, and it has also strong potential for the development of a new and solid industry. However, Biomedical Robotics is already encountering ethical problems which are going to become more serious as this field grows. Actually, ethical issues come from the tight interaction between BioRobotics and human beings and from the many analogies with Bioethics.