26/01/2011 - Classes for Students
Collaboration between the School of Robotics and the Bruno Kessler Foundation

The Bruno Kessler Foundation in Trento, the School of Robotics and the University of Trento have recently agreed to cooperate in the field of Educational robotics. Content of common projects will also be issues of Roboethics and of Gender Learning.
The first meeting took place, the end of December 2010, at the Bruno Kessler Foundation main office in Trento. There, kids, girls and boys spent three hours with Emanuele Micheli designing and assembling small robots, and the artifacts inspired to Bruno Munaris’s “useless machines”. (In the 30s and 40s "Macchine Inutili" (Useless Machines) series, for example, Munari created three-dimensional structures made of simple geometrical figures hung together with thin ropes: these machines didn't have any internal power and their only possible "work" was undulating in the wind while the user was left contemplating their uselessness. See pictures).