24/10/2010 - Courses for Teachers, Events, Projects
Piacenza, November 9th, 2010: Workshop on the new project on Kuka.Sim Pro.
Reading time: 1 minute
The Workshop scheduled in Piacenza on November 9th, at ISII Marconi/CDE, outlines a new project by ISII Marconi Robotics Laboratory: To provide teachers and students with the KUka.Sim Pro Simulator.
The Program KUKA.Sim allows robot's operators to simulate their planned application. This enables processes to be tested and, if required, optimized and validated before commissioning. It includes:
- KUKA.Sim Pro was developed for the offline programming of KUKA robots. The product is connected in real time to KUKA.OfficeLite, the virtual KUKA controller, thus allowing cycle time analyses and the generation of robot programs.
- KUKA.Sim Layout is a unique program for creating 3D layouts for systems with KUKA robots. Any number of layouts and concepts can be simulated and investigated with ease.
- KUKA.Sim Viewer is a software package which allows you to view simulations created in KUKA Sim Layout or KUKA.Sim Pro. Open a window on others` 3D simulations.
- KUKA.OfficeLite allows you to create and optimize programs for KUKA robots offline on any PC. KUKA.OfficeLite is practically identical to the standard KR C software.
With Kuka Simulator the operator can program the robot directly in KRL on KUKA.OfficeLite, the KUKA virtual controller and avoid so the use of postprocessors. In addition, programs made in the field can be loaded one-to-one into KUKA.OfficeLite, so that you can "review" programs made by your robot programmers.