09/09/2010 - Projects
Pinocchio 2.0: From fables to robot: an educational project
Reading time: 0.5 minutes
This Project, that started some years ago and often updated with news from 2.0., holds information, images, drawings, free softwares, robotics, virtual worlds, pictures, “divergent histories”, suggestions, songs, films, memories, curiosities, games, links.
The Project takes origin from Pinocchio, Coppelia or Narnia and from all the lifeless objects/subjects who, as if by magic, become alive thanks to the bridges built among students from infant school to university, italian or not. Fantasy and creativity are the strong points.
How can you join us? You only have to be connected to:
- Pinocchio 2.0
- Rob&Ide.
Linda Giannini, Ambasciatrice eTwinning per il Lazio calip@mbox.panservice.it
Scuola di Robotica, Emanuele Micheli