09/11/2007 - Lectures
Pianeta Galileo è un’iniziativa promossa dal Consiglio Regionale della Toscana

For a month Tuscany is going to reflect upon the gfreat themes of science. On 9th November in Arezzo Humanoid Robots will be the topic which Gianmarco Veruggio (School of Robotics), Giuseppe Menga (Politechnic of Turin) and Remo Richetti (S.S. Sant'Anna of Pisa) will discuss upon. In this conference humanoids will be spoken from several points of view: from technical problems about how to give them balance until their impact in our society. WEB: http://www.pianetagalileo.it
For a month Tuscany is going to reflect upon the gfreat themes of science. On 9th November in Arezzo Humanoid Robots will be the topic which Gianmarco Veruggio (School of Robotics), Giuseppe Menga (Politechnic of Turin) and Remo Richetti (S.S. Sant'Anna of Pisa) will discuss upon. In this conference humanoids will be spoken from several points of view: from technical problems about how to give them balance until their impact in our society.