15/09/2010 - Lectures, Books
Book Presentation: "Et voilà i robot", by Nunzia Bonifati. Genoa, Italy, September 30th, La Passeggiata Café booshop.

Genoa, Italy - For the book debut "Voila i robot" (Springer Verlag, 2010), Passeggiata Bookshop Café has a guest Nunzia Bonifati, the Author. The talk is going to take place Septermber 30th, 18:30.
"E voilà i robot" (Springer Verlag, 2010, 150 pages), by Nunzia Bonifati, is a very lively book that discusses the future perspectives of the Advanced Robotics’ applications in society. It does it, by dialoguing with some experts in the field: roboticists Bruno Siciliano, Gianmarco Veruggio and Giovanni Muscato. Interviewing some philosophers of science: Guglielmo Tamburrini and Roberto Cordeschi. Asking a few witty questions to the engineer and writer Giuseppe O. Longo. The picture that comes out from all these different perspectives is that of a very articulated, novel and complex subject that truly deserves in depth analyses.