03/11/2008 - Publications
Semantic and epistemological continuity in educational robots' programming languages

The object of this paper is to analyze some new open-source software for the programming of educational robotic kits which can accompany the student from pre-school to high school. The authors propose the development of a learning environment which operates on two levels: the physical level, with the planning and construction of the robot; and the abstract level which is linked to the programming. In our experience of educational robotics, the personalization of the robotic artefact is an important factor in order to achieve success. There are few possible types of personalization for the program and the current trend is that of standardizing the language. The approach that we propose is that of a language that can easily be personalised. We are working on designing and uploading a “converter icon-code” on the Lego NXT robotic kit which could be used by students aged from 5-6 years old, to those in high school.
Webiste of the Workshop on Educational robotics at Simpar 2008