27/05/2019 - News, Press Club
Pachino's team at the NAO Challenge 2019 in collaboration with the Agape Association's day center, for disabled people.

The "A sud del sud" team danced "Fame" together with girls and boys of the Agape day center for people with various disabilities, moving all the participants.
The “Michelangelo Bartolo” Institute of Higher Education in Pachino, Sicily, participated as Finalist in the Final of the NAO Challenge 2019 which was held on 13 and 14 April 2019 in Lazio Innova of the Lazio Region, in Zagarolo (Rome). The "A sud del sud" team danced "Fame" together with the girls and boys of the Agape day center for people with various disabilities, moving all the participants.
The NAO Challenge is a competition organized by the School of Robotics in collaboration with Maker Faire Rome and Innovacamera of Rome, reserved for teams of higher institutions and dedicated to humanoid robotics with the aim of spreading the social potential of service robotics. The 2019 mission was precisely "inclusion".
We thank Professor Giuseppe Bongiovanni, coach of the "Al sud del sud" team, for the article presenting the team's project, attached here.
More information on the project by Pachino's team (in the image, the South Al Sud team and the Agape Center boys at the NAO Challenge Final) on the NAO Challenge website http://www.naochallenge.it/2019/04/19/ stories-the-nao-challenge-from-south-of-the south-to-the-disabled /