10/05/2019 - Courses for Teachers
May 28, 2019: the online course begins with Littlebits and Manual
Online course for teachers (to be followed live or deferred) accompanied by the paper manual "Unofficial Guide to LittleBits".
We wake up imagination, creativity, invention, and imagination to create lesson plans that can be personalized at school or in extracurricular lessons.
Let's find out how the Little Bits kit can help us with the STEAM materials thanks to the technique of storytelling, developing here the classic fable of Aesop "The donkey that brought salt". We will be able to translate the famous fairy tale into technology thanks to this versatile kit used to support many school subjects.
As a gift, you will receive our "Unofficial LittleBits Guide" at home with lots of ideas ready to use in the classroom.
The online course can be followed live or delayed and will consist of 3 one-hour lessons each with the following program.
LESSON 1 (1 hour)
Tuesday 28 May 2019 from 17:00 to 18:00
The littleBits STEAM Kit for multidisciplinary teaching.
Brainstorming and the fantastic binomial of Rodari.
Creative electronics in inclusion: the artifact as construction to tell one's story.
LESSON 2 (1 hour)
Tuesday 4 June 2019 from 17:00 to 18:00
The mode of narration in the field of educational electronics.
Fairy tales, Fables and problem-solving.
Animal Fables: Aesop, Fedro and La Fontaine.
LESSON 3 (1 hour)
Tuesday 11 June 2019 from 17:00 to 18:00
Fantasy, creativity, invention, and Imagination.
The littleBits autonomous machine: between assembly and artifact.
The donkey that carried the salt: a prototype.
For each lesson we will ask you to carry out a simple task, to immediately test the knowledge acquired during the lessons. The task will consist in the creation of material to be used for their own lessons in the classroom. Each task performed will be certified with a commitment of 3 hours each.
The course is suitable for primary and secondary school teachers.
Duration of lessons: 3 hours
Total duration of the course with homework: 12 hours
The course is certified and present on the SOFIA platform.
The course is payable through Carta del Docente or EVENTBRITE or Bank Transfer.
Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-corso-online-steam-e-storytelling-con-littlebits-lasino-che-portava-il-sale-61025774735?fbclid=IwAR1RbEnv5SGW2WOJmwuFSE14dmszLajk3BvauBw7F7Z0kVHbnM7qTstgYf0
To pay with the TEACHER'S CARD: go to the catalog of the teacher's card, search for the training initiative ID 30523, generate a teacher card voucher and follow the link that is reported by the teacher's card site (it is a hidden link that you will allow you to enter the card code directly into eventbrite).
To pay by bank transfer: bank transfer to the Robotics School - Banca Prossima Cultural Association, Branch 05000, Piazza Paolo Ferrari 10, 20121 Milan IBAN: IT60 F033 5901 6001 0000 0063 175 CAUSAL: WEBINAR LITTLE BITS. SEND US THE DISTINCTION OF PAYMENT to amministrazione@scuoladirobotica.it
Refunds up to 1 day before the event