01/03/2018 - News, Projects
Human..but not too human: a play about humans and robots

Human..but not too human. It's a theather play born from an idea of ECM Foundation, Faber Teater and School of Robotics in Genoa, realized within the Ogeima Project co financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo.
Human..but not too human.
It's a theatrical show born from an idea of ECM Foundation, Faber Teater and School of Robotics in Genoa, realized within the Ogeima Project co financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo.
The screenplay was created on the basis of participatory experiences involving young people and adults on the themes of artificial intelligence and ethical implications of new technologies. The text of the show, which will be presented in addition to Settimo Torinese (9 March) in Genoa (24 March) and Trieste (13 April), is written by Sebastiano Amadio, Marco Andorno, Gianni Bissaca and Stefania Operto.
On stage: Sebastiano Amadio, Marco Andorno and the small NAO with the participation of Stefania Operto. Nao's programming and animation is by Andrea Germinario (Scuola di Robotica), original images and films by Diego Diaz Morales, scenes and costumes by Faber Teater and directed by Gianni Bissaca.
Free admission as long as seats are available
For information:
- eventi.archimede@fondazione-ecm.it - 339.52.14.819.
- info@scuoladirobotica.it - 348 0961616
9 March 2018 at 21 o' clock
Teatro Garibaldi, via Partigiani 4 Settimo Torinese (To)
24 March at 21
Teatro dell' Archivolto, Piazza Modena 3 Genoa square
13 April at 18 o' clock
Auditorium Museo Revoltella Museum, via A. Diaz 27 Trieste