04/05/2007 - Events
Rome Cup 2007

On May, 4 2007 in Rome Educational Robotics will play the guest star role. Thanks to Robodidactics Project members several european schools will have the possibility to show their robots to international community. Challenges and exihibitions of robots built by the schools will be organized . Moreover, we'd like to draw the attention on the seminary for teachers entitled “Robotics in education ” which will be held at the same time of the challenges, where, among others, Gianmarco Veruggio, Profe
On May, 4 2007 in Rome Educational Robotics will play the guest star role. Thanks to Robodidactics Project members several european schools will have the possibility to show their robots to international community. Challenges and exihibitions of robots built by the schools will be organized . Moreover, we'd like to draw the attention on the seminary for teachers entitled “Robotics in education ” which will be held at the same time of the challenges, where, among others, Gianmarco Veruggio, Professor Daniele Nardi and some other teachers from Robot @School will be invited speakers.
Categories of challenges will be the following:
- Explorer Junior
- Explorer Senior
- Mini Explorer
- Minisumo
- Soccer
Info and subscriptions:
Dott.ssa Silvia Celani -