06/03/2017 - News, Projects
Open Roberta will be used to program BYOR

The Open Roberta project continues the Fraunhofer-Initiative "Roberta – Learning with Robots". School of Robotics is collabvorating with Open Roberta thanks to its collaborator, Lporenzo Daidone. Lorenzo, programmin Arduino, has just develop a library - that is a collection of resources used develop software - availabe to navigate robotics kit BYOR.
"I hope that Open Roberta accepts my proposal" - Lorenzo Daidon told us. If so, it will be possible operate BYOR using a more simple app that Arduino program. Open Roberta is a very friendly application, akin to Scratch. With my app, BYOR wil be navigated using simple commands, designed to make it follow a live, avoiding obstacles, play a musical note direcly, without setting its frequency, etc.
BYOR is a robotics kit porogrammable with Arduino developed by School of Robotics.(see http://byor.scuoladirobotica.it/it/homebyor.html) from Open Roberta IDE. IDE (integrated development environment, o integrated design environment) provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development.
BYOIR (that is programmed with Arduino program) has the advantage of flexibilkity, and also the richness of Arduino Community libraries, free to be downloaded.
The Open Roberta project (https://www.open-roberta.org/en/welcome/) continues the Fraunhofer-Initiative »Roberta – Learning with Robots«. For more than ten years, this initiative enabled girls and boys to explore the world of robots and to learn about computer science, natural sciences and technology (STEM). The aim of Open Roberta is to overcome technical and professional barriers for teachers and students alike. The free cloud-based Platform »Open Roberta Lab" can be used at any time from any device using standard Internet browsers.