24/11/2016 - News, Projects
The ROBOESL international conference on November 25 in Greece

The ROBOESL international conference “Robotics-based learning interventions for preventing school failure and early school leaving ” is organised by Edumotiva (European Lab for Educational Technology). The conference explores the role of technology and educational robotics in particular as means for preventing early school leaving and school failure. It also emphasizes learning interventions and activities that support and enhance students’ creativity, challenge their imagination, provide links to real life and engage them in playful learning.
RoboESL meeting is sponsored by the 7th Secondary Educational Committee of the Municipality of Athens and the 6th lab center of Piraeus the with the support of Technopolis City of Athens, in the framework of the ROBOESL project (ERASMUS+ Project RoboESL: 2015-1-IT02-KA201-015141).
- Educational robotics in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths
- Evidence-based approaches towards reducing ESL and school failure
- Learning interventions and success stories in preventing ESL and school failure with the support of educational robotics and other digital technologies
- The role of technology in school engagement
- Playful and creative approaches to learning towards ESL and school failure prevention
- Working with early school leavers or students at risk of school disengagement– needs & challenges
Venue: Technopolis City of Athens, (Gasholder 1- Amphitheater
Site: http://roboesl.eu/conference/