01/07/2016 - News, Projects
Open Roberta and the School of Robotics: A friendly, long term collaboration

Simce 2008 Fraunhofer Institute IAIS of Bonn and the School of Robotics are collaborating around the Roberta, Girls Discover Robots Initiative. Now the cooperation is strenghtening thanks to the Open Roberta Project by Fraunhofer IAIS Roberta team.
Open Roberta and “Roberta – Learning with Robot”
The aim of Open Roberta is to lower the barriers of programming for kids, teachers, and schools and to set up a open source community. Open Roberta is part of the Fraunhofer Initiative “Roberta – Learning with Robots” (www.roberta-home.de). The Roberta initiative aims to engage and motivate girls and boys to take a sustained long-term interest in information technology, technology, and the natural sciences. The Roberta training concept defines “sustained long-term motivation” as simultaneously imparting cognitive knowledge – in this instance from the world of STEM topics – and positive emotions. Only if both are achieved at the same time do students learn – or phrased differently achieve sustainable results.
Open Roberta Lab
Open Roberta Lab is the cloud-based and open source graphical programming environment that is at the core of Open Roberta.
NEPO is a meta programming language developed by Fraunhofer IAIS, based on Blockly and inspired by Scratch. The aim of NEPO is to be able to program different robot systems with only one programming language. Fraunhofer IAIS plans to include two other robot systems before the end of 2015.
Go to Open Roberta, and start coding! https://www.open-roberta.org/en/welcome/