
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

21/04/2016 - News

Europe May 30 through June 5th 2016: European Maker Week 2016

Europe May 30 through June 5th 2016: European Maker Week 2016
Reading time Reading time: 0.5 minutes

All the FabLabs, Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, Schools and University Labs, Research Centers and generally, all those Institutions that work with passion within the maker world, will be able to organize events and activities between May 30 and June 5.

During the European Maker Week you can schedule:

  •     Workshops and informative courses
  •     Conferences and talks about innovative makers projects
  •     Project exhibitions and shows
  •     Meetings with the business  world to stimulate synergies between makers, craftsmen and industry
  •     Meetings with local institutions to promote public policies within: the digital technologies field, the shared manufacturing space and  Hardware Startups.

Ideas, projects, DIY, prototypes, innovative products, inventions, robotics…and much more.

There is a lot to discover during the European Maker Week! Amazing events will be held around Europe and we invite you to join them because everyone is a Maker. We strongly believe that creativity can be a great tool to solve our daily problems: you cannot miss the European Maker Week!

As soon as the program will be ready you will be able to find the upcoming events near you. Follow us and stay up to date by using the hashtag #EMWeek16


Dissemination, Women&Technology, Robot@scuola, Science&Society, 3D Print