
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

02/03/2016 - News, Projects

STEM and Girls: our events for International Women'sDay

STEM and Girls: our  events for International Women'sDay
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School of Robotics is participanting in some of the campaign events devoted to celebrate the International Women's Day. We are giving prominence to the issue of the under representation of women in the tecno scientific professions and careers. Since the entering into the EC Roberta - Girls discover robots - project, School of Robotics is developing a specifici method to support girls in STEM using robotics kits.

This 2016, we are working with the national Campaign called "Roisa Digitale" (Digital Rose): Digital Rose movement is promoting ten days of activities for girls in STEM and coding.

Also the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research has started a campaign promoting STEM for Girls. This has the title "We are Equal", and is spread through the website

On March 8th, 2016, a Conference is held in Roma, at the Office of the European Commission: We_STEM

Office of the European Commission

Rona, Via 4 Novembre

13:30 - 18


Women&Technology, Science&Society