
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

09/02/2015 - Classes for Students, Events

CUNEO, February 28th - March 1st, 2015: Two days workshops on Arduino-BYOR

CUNEO, February  28th - March 1st, 2015: Two days workshops on Arduino-BYOR
Reading time Reading time: 0.5 minutes

TECAR Elettronica Cuneo and School of Robotics are planning two-days workshop on Arduino Breadbord based on the newly released BYOR kit. This kit offers a well organized handbook, an Arduino Uno board, a Breadboard Uno, 6 LED's, 40 Arduino JumperCables, 2 microswitch with lever, a USB cable for Arduino, photoresistor, a resistence kit, a buzzer, an H bridge, ultrasound sensor, chassis, weels and motors.

WHERE: Cuneo, Sala del Seminario, piazza Seminario

WHEN: February  28th - March 1st, 2015, h. 10-17

TO ENROLL: Fee: 150 €
Fee + Kit BYOR: 250 €

Bank transfer of 150 € on the banking account:
Scuola di Robotica, Banca Prossima, Filiale 05000, p.zza Paolo Ferrari 10, 20121 Milano
IBAN: IT60 F033 5901 6001 0000 0063 175
Please, send a pdf copy of the payment to

Information: -- Tel. 348 09 61 616

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