01/07/2014 - Events, News
NAO Challenge 2015: The humanoid robot competition also in Italy.

The NAO Challenge is an annual competition organised by Aldebaran Robotics, initially in France for 2013 / 2014 and will be later extending to European countries from September 2014. The goal is to raise awareness, motivate and train students in the use of humanoid robotics through multi-technological and innovative projects. Italy is one of the places selected to have the 2015 NAO competition.
Guess how will be our lives tomorrow at home with a humanoid robot: what will they do for us? How will they adapt to our environment? Address those challenges with the NAO Challenge @ home!
This challenge has been designed in collaboration with teachers, in order to fit in with the various scientific, technological and technical projects of Secondary Education.
Students can create scenarios optimising NAO’s capabilities and taking into account its limitations, thus enabling NAO to become a companion and an ideal assistant at home.NAO Robot Impresses With New Abilities At Paris Conference
Five Next Gen NAO robots break it down to celebrate the start of the Dev Days weekend.
During the first weekend in April, the French maker of NAO robots, Aldebaran Robotics, organized the first ever NAO Spring Dev Days in Paris, a codathon programming weekend for 40 developers to create useful applications, exchange ideas, and show off what they could do with NAO Next Gen robots. The weekend featured a number of presentations, including a talk on choreography and one from the team that taught the robot to play Connect 4. But the devs were mostly busy coding in a “Bring NAO to Life!” contest for the best application produced in 24 hours with the prize being a Next Gen NAO robot. Though only a few videos of the weekend were recorded, three of the applications stood out for their potential to improve human-robot interactions: transcription of spoken words into handwriting, bot mimicking via Kinect, and the NAO bot as personal fitness trainer.