18/12/2012 - Events
Trento, December 8th, 2012. Robotics is fun!
Reading time: 0.5 minutes
Robotics hands on! Some 50's kids (nursery and elementary school) with their parents, all working on robots. Assembling and programming small robots, and drawing and building "creative" robots with parts of printers, pc's and recycling material.
Robotics is fun! Robotics hand on for elementary school pupils and their parents.
December 8th, 2012, from 9 to 1 a.m and from 2 to 5 pm
Università degli Studi di Trento, Via Bellenzani, 12 I-38122 Trento
In cooperation with the School of Robotics (Fiorella Operto) and the Hospital School "G. Gaslini" (Immacolata Nappi).
Barbara Zoccatelli,Sonia Maistrelli e Barbara Santodonato, Prof. Barbara Ongari
Email: barbara.zoccatelli@unitn.it; sonia.maistrelli@unitn.it; barbara.ongari@unitn.it
Telefoni: Barbara Zoccatelli 348-7666796