
Scuola di Robotica

Scuola di Robotica

14/11/2012 - Projects

Treviso. A new project of Educational robotics for hospitalized children

Treviso. A new project of Educational robotics for hospitalized children
Reading time Reading time: 0.5 minutes

School of Robotics works in cooperation with the no profit Society "The Bear Band", a Genoa based volunteer group of people supporting hospitalized children. Now, also in Treviso educational robotics for children in hospital.

The Bear Band is a community of volunteers based in Genoa, supporting hospitalized children and their parents at G. Gaslini Pedriatic Hospital in Genoa.  Educational robotics is a very useful tool for hospitalized children, and for children in DayCare. Now, this important tool is available also for hospitalized children at Treviso Pediatric Institute, thanks to School of Robotics, ITIS Max Planck and the Bear Band.


Band degli Orsi, Roboethics, Robot@scuola, Creative robotics, Science&Society, Schools at hospital